7 vitamins that promote eye health

The eyes are a vital sensory organ of the human body that helps us interpret our surroundings and respond to them. Hence, investing time and effort in eye care is necessary. Not doing so can increase the risk of several eye ailments, especially with age. While there are many ways to maintain eye health, nutrition plays an important role. Specific vitamins replenish the body and are required for healthy eyes and good eyesight. Vitamin E Vitamin E helps prevent age-related eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Besides using chewables that have this vitamin, one can avoid dark circles by applying vitamin E-oil under the eyes. Some foods rich in this nutrient are peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, leafy greens, pumpkin, and wheat germ oil. Apart from promoting healthy eye lenses, vitamin E helps deal with various health conditions, thanks to its antioxidant properties. Vitamin A Night blindness is an eye disorder caused by a lack of rhodopsin, a photopigment activated by vitamin A. Therefore, the body requires sufficient vitamin A to prevent the problem. This nutrient also helps maintain the cornea. Carrots are among the richest sources of vitamin A, and they also have high levels of beta carotene, a natural compound that helps fight many ailments.