9 warning signs of growth hormone deficiency

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a condition caused by the reduced production of growth hormones (GH) by the pituitary gland. This hormone plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including growth and development. When an individual experiences GHD, it can manifest through a range of signs and symptoms that can impact physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Let’s look at the signs of growth hormone deficiency, shedding light on how this condition can affect individuals. Short stature in children One of the most noticeable signs of growth hormone deficiency in children is a significant delay in growth. Children with GHD tend to have a slower growth rate than their peers. They may also have a shorter stature than expected based on their age and genetic potential. It’s important to note that GHD doesn’t always result in extremely short stature but rather in a noticeable lag in growth milestones. Delayed milestones Children with GHD may exhibit delayed developmental milestones. This includes the age at which they start sitting, crawling, walking, and other motor skill achievements. These delays can be particularly concerning to parents and caregivers, prompting them to seek immediate health evaluation. Reduced muscle mass Growth hormone is vital in the development of lean body mass.