Foods to avoid with inflammatory bowel diseases

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the term used to refer to chronic inflammation of tissues in the digestive tract. IBD is generally categorized into two types – ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease. These disorders are characterized by diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss, and malnutrition. The effects of the disease differ from individual to individual. While symptoms of IBD may be mild for some, they may lead to life-threatening complications for others. However, there’s no single chart that applies to every person with IBD, as the condition can change over time. To understand current triggers, try to maintain a food diary, which may help patients track the condition over time. Common culprits that may trigger IBD flares include: Peas Peas, beans, and lentils contain indigestible sugars that may cause gas, so avoiding these during a flare may help. Carbonated drinks Carbonation is gassy and can cause bloating, which can be an unpleasant symptom of IBD. Dried fruits Dried fruits, berries, and fruits with pulp and seeds are often high in fiber and can worsen symptoms during a flare. Crunchy nut butter Nuts are sharp and difficult to digest, irritating the lining of the intestines, opt for smooth nut butter instead.