4 Frequently Asked Questions regarding Medicare and its coverage

Medicare is a federal health insurance plan available for people over 65, those with disabilities, and individuals with ESRD. It ensures that people needing high-quality, inexpensive healthcare coverage receive it. However, the various regulations involved in Medicare can make it confusing. If you are eligible to receive its benefits, you should know its coverage and, more importantly, its limitations. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Medicare that might help clear confusion. I spent more than six months in a nursing home after a crucial surgery. Will Medicare cover my medical costs? The Original Medicare, a fee-for-service health plan provided by the federal government and Medicare Advantage, does not cover long-term care expenses. Unfortunately, this also includes long-term stays at nursing homes. Usually, long-term care involves some of the highest healthcare costs, especially for retirees. Basically, Medicare does cover limited stays in rehab facilities. For example, Medicare will cover your costs if you undergo hip surgery and need inpatient therapy for multiple weeks. However, the prices of long-term stays at a nursing home are beyond Med icare. To address this, you can consider buying private long-term care insurance. Or, if you have limited savings and income, you can check if other federal health programs can assist you.