6 foods to avoid during ongoing treatment

Individuals develop various health problems during their lifetime. While some are minor, others are severe and require many days of treatment and therapy to resolve. Irrespective of the condition’s type and severity, doctors ask patients to make specific lifestyle changes to speed up recovery. One of these changes involves avoiding foods that may interfere with ongoing treatments. From milk to chocolate and soft-cooked eggs, here are six foods patients should exclude from their meals. Grapefruit While grapefruit is delicious, some may need to avoid it when on a treatment plan. This citric fruit may interfere with how the body metabolizes the treatment’s ingredients. For instance, it may increase the absorption of specific chemical elements into the bloodstream, damaging the liver and causing the muscles to break down. Grapefruit must especially be avoided by those undergoing treatments for high cholesterol and thyroid disease. Milk Another food one should avoid when following a treatment plan is milk. Dairy products are rich in calcium, which could interfere with iron-rich treatments. They could lead to the improper absorption of treatment components into the bloodstream. Besides milk, one should stay away from dairy products like cheese and yogurt. Processed meats Processed meats are high in sodium and other preservatives.