7 human foods that dogs can enjoy

Denying your pets a nibble here and there off your plate is a difficult task. It hurts to say no to your baby. But, sadly, more often than not, it is a necessary evil. You do not want your pet falling ill just because you could not decline their incessant demand to taste your dinner. That said, there are some foods that you can share with them without worrying about their health. Apple Apples are among the common human foods that dogs find appealing. It is a nourishing snack with ample fiber, calcium, and vitamins. Since it helps maintain the cleanliness of your dog’s teeth, you can use it as a snack or a treat once in a while. Banana Bananas are full of nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and essential vitamins. It is also one of those human foods that dogs love to chew on. Just make sure not to go overboard with the banana-licious treats and contribute to your pet’s increased risk of diabetes. Carrots Carrots are nutrient-dense, juicy, and crunchy. They are full of fiber, minerals, and vitamins with low-calorie content. It makes for a perfect snack or treats; the best part is it is doggo-approved. As an added benefit, chewing carrots can help keep your pets’ teeth clean and plaque-free.