4 common mistakes to avoid while waterproofing basements

Water seeping into the house during the rains is truly a nightmare. Since water first seeps into the lowermost zones of the property, waterproofing the basement is important. It prevents problems like moistened furniture, damaged basement panels, and unpleasant smells. That said, one must be careful when waterproofing the area and seek the help of a professional if necessary. Here are four common mistakes to avoid when waterproofing basements DIY: Not waiting before draining flood water from the basement Floods usually affect the basement before the other rooms. The water puts pressure on the basement walls as time passes, making them weak. Fearing damage, many homeowners act really fast and try removing this water, which is a big mistake. Experts say one must let the rain stop and wait a few hours before doing that. When water is drained quickly during a flood, there is always the possibility of more water seeping into the basement from the surrounding soil. To avoid this outcome and stop the water flow, homeowners must wait for an hour or two after the flooding stops and drain the basement slowly. Relying only on paint for waterproofing In their ad campaigns, many paint manufacturers state that their products have waterproofing elements and qualities.