Simple ways to prevent hair loss

Shedding of hair is a natural and common process of the body to get rid of old hair and promote growth. You may not even notice the few strands of hair that are replaced regularly by shedding and regrowth. However, sudden and excessive shedding results in hair loss. It can affect men and women of all ages and varies in terms of severity. The condition cannot be 100% cured with only treatment. But the following ways can help slow down shedding and prevent excessive hair loss. Don’t stress Stress is one of the main triggers of excessive hair loss. The body produces and releases certain hormones that regulate hair growth. Stress can cause a chemical imbalance in these vital hormones, which in turn, damages the hair follicles’ natural ability to regrow hair. Adopt practices such as eating healthy, exercising, staying hydrated, and controlling the urge to smoke or drink to manage stress. Instead, pursue healthy activities that can help you take your mind off something that bothers you and causes stress. Read, play sports, travel, and explore alternative lifestyles to manage stress better at work and home. Maintain a proper diet The food you eat plays a key role in your metabolic activity.