4 bad habits that could lead to kidney failure

The kidneys are vital organs that help remove waste and excess fluid from the bloodstream. Kidney failure is a severe disorder where the kidneys lose their ability to function correctly, leading to a buildup of toxins in the body. To prevent this condition, individuals must follow healthy lifestyle practices and avoid anything that can harm these organs. Several bad habits can lead to kidney failure, the most common ones being: Poor food choices Processed foods have a lot of sodium and sugar, which can strain the kidneys. It can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and other ailments that increase the risk of kidney disease. Processed foods also have phosphorus, another component that can harm the organ. Besides processed foods, individuals should avoid eating too much meat. High amounts of animal protein can cause excess acid production in the blood, leading to a kidney disorder called acidosis. While protein is essential for a healthy body, individuals should speak to a nutritionist to learn about the right kind of protein and the maximum quantity that can be safely consumed in a day. Experts recommend a meal plan rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats to keep the kidneys healthy.