7 tips for preventing digital eye strain and headaches
Today, you live in a fast-paced world where almost everything you do is associated with a digital screen. Here, electronics like smartphones, laptops, tablets, and televisions, help us work or enjoy some form of content. However, the constant use of such technology has its downsides, including health concerns like eye strain and headaches, which may affect the ability to carry out daily tasks. So, here are seven tips to prevent such discomfort: Take breaks Sitting in front of a screen for too long is one of the common causes of eye strain and headaches. So, whether you read, work, or watch something on a screen, you must take occasional breaks and look away. This will help you rest your eyes and avoid strain. Choose the right eyewear If you work on the computer for long periods, then you might need protective gear like computer glasses to avoid digital eye strain. You could get prescription or non-prescription eyewear with glasses that block blue light from computer and phone screens. Such glasses or contacts can shield your eyes from harmful light. Consider speaking to an optometrist to help you choose the right vision care products. Use eye drops Artificial tears or eye drops could help relieve dry eyes.