Human foods that even cats can enjoy

Cats are fussy eaters, and that’s why brands make sure that their foods meet feline standards. But some foods that we humans consume also happen to be safe for cats and can be fed to them in moderation. These foods take minimal time to prepare, and it is better to serve something wholesomely made in your kitchen rather than relying solely on packaged cat food. Here are a few choices to consider: Eggs Eggs pack nutrients that are beneficial for humans as well as safe to feed cats. In fact, eggs are a staple food ingredient found in different types of cat food, both wet and dry recipes. But ensure that you don’t feed them raw eggs as this increases the risk of salmonella. Lightly seasoned boiled or scrambled eggs are fine as long as given in moderate amounts. Vegetables and fruits Quite an assortment of vegetables and fruits that we eat are safe for cats. Cooked spinach is a popular nutritious option to consider as the veggie is rich in iron, calcium, vitamins A, C, and E. Pumpkin is an excellent choice low in calories and high in fiber. Cats can also safely munch on some banana slices, apples, blueberries, strawberries, pears, watermelon, and some cantaloupe.