Useful ways to treat cold and flu

Imagine working in a high-security building that uses facial recognition technology to keep out intruders. It works well until the intruders figure out how to breach the security system. It does not matter how often the intruders are caught, new intruders will find new ways to infiltrate. The same analogy can be applied to our body’s immune system and the flu virus. The building is our body, the security system, our immune system, and intruders are the virus trying to enter the body. Whenever a new influenza vaccine is formulated and distributed, more potent viruses develop ways to evade them, making it difficult to treat cold, flu, cough & virus symptoms. So until there is a definitive cure for the infection, it is imperative to take steps to get relief from symptoms and keep the immune system intact. Following are some ways which can provide relief from symptoms and strengthen immunity: Hydration Consuming plenty of fluids helps thin your mucus and breaks congestion. It also prevents headaches and fatigue that is caused by dehydration. Keep a glass or reusable bottle in hand, and refill it with water. Salt water gargles A salt water gargle soothes a throbbing throat. It eases swelling and loosens mucus.